Front-end developer


Gustavo Scarpim


About me

Gustavo Scarpim

Gustavo Scarpim

I am a highly skilled Front-end developer with over 6 years of experience, proficient in React, Angular, Vue, Next, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

I am passionate about creating interfaces with engaging UI for users. My enthusiasm for design and web development motivates me to be in constant growth, always striving to achieve my goals.

In addition to my skills in React, Next, JavaScript, and TypeScript, I have extensive experience in software development projects, both in team settings and individual projects.

Interests and hobbies




Hard Skills

Icone Javascript
Icone Typescript
Icone React
Icone Next
Icone Vue
Icone Angular
Icone Redux
Icone Html
Icone Css
Icone Material UI
Icone Tailwind
Icone Sass
Icone Styled ComponentsStyled Components
Icone Node
Icone Mongodb
Icone Firebase
Icone Github
Icone Linux
Icone Jest
Icone Cypress
Icone AdobeXd
Icone Figma

Soft Skills

Advanced knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Knowledge of JavaScript frameworks and libraries such as React and Next.

Experience in creating responsive applications for various devices.

Understanding of web design and usability patterns.

Experience with development tools like Git, Webpack, and Babel.

Knowledge of REST APIs and AJAX.

Understanding of unit testing and automated testing.

Comprehension of SEO and website optimization for search engines.

Experience working with development teams, including designers, software engineers, and project managers.

Knowledge of cloud technologies, such as AWS or Google Cloud Platform.




Datum (FrontEnd Developer - Senior)

I work on the Design System, in Renner's engineering department, and in creating consistent and reusable interfaces, ensuring performance, accessibility, and an exceptional user experience.


FIAP (Mentor Professor)

As a mentor professor at FIAP, I provide personalized guidance and academic support to students in Information Technology disciplines. I assist students in understanding complex concepts, offering guidance on projects and practices, and aiding in the development of essential technical and professional skills for the job market.


Foursys (FrontEnd Developer - Senior)

I worked in the engineering department at Boa Vista collaboratively, developing the UI of systems and participating in product management and development teams to create elegant, usable, responsive, and interactive interfaces across various devices. Technologies used: React, Jest, Typescript, Material UI, Context API, Figma.


Evnts (Frontend Developer - Mid-level)

I worked in the engineering department in collaboration with the design team, participating in product management and development teams to create elegant, usable, responsive, and interactive interfaces across various devices. Technologies used: React, Jest, Styled Components, Redux, Typescript, Javascript, MongoDB, Figma.


Freelance Frontend Developer

Freelance work for companies: Sambatech, Enjoytix, Alsofer, Guardiões de Vidas. I was involved in all stages of system development, from prototyping and requirements analysis to implementation and final delivery. Additionally, I maintained direct contact with clients to understand their needs and ensure that the final result meets their expectations. I was also responsible for creating the necessary tasks for system development, ensuring efficient project management. Technologies used: React, Next, Typescript, ContextApi, Redux, Vue, Node, Figma.


Hyst (FrontEnd Developer - Junior)

I collaborated with the design team, creating elegant, usable, responsive, and interactive interfaces across various devices. Technologies used: React, Vue, Next, Typescript, Redux, MongoDB, Figma.


ABBC (Full Stack Developer - Intern)

Creation of Frontend and Backend systems using programming languages ReactJs, .Net, NodeJs, Javascript, MongoDB, and SQL. Development of APIs. Technologies used: React, Javascript, Node, MongoDB, Adobe XD, .Net, SQL.

Developed Projects



I led the development of an exclusive back office for Sambatech, actively participating in all phases of the project. From conception to final delivery, I conducted meetings and maintained direct contact with the client to ensure the quality of the final result.

Icone ReactIcone TypescriptIcone Styled ComponentsIcone Redux


Collaborated with a team of developers at all stages of a project, ensuring its success. From start to finish, I participated in crucial processes and, as the person responsible for system development, maintained direct communication with the client to ensure high quality.

Icone ReactIcone NextIcone Material UIIcone TypescriptIcone Redux
guardioes de vida

Guardiões de vida

Contributed to a private project for the company Guardiões de Vida, focusing on the development of a patient registration system. I worked closely on creating a landing page, highlighting the company's services.

Icone ReactIcone TypescriptIcone Styled ComponentsIcone Redux


Developed a landing page to showcase the services of a company, focusing on creating an attractive and informative interface.

Icone ReactIcone NextIcone Styled ComponentsIcone TypescriptIcone Redux
etio solucoes

Etio Soluções

Developed a landing page to showcase the services of a company, focusing on creating an attractive and informative interface.

Icone ReactIcone Styled Components
portfolio antigo

Old Portfolio

Conceived and developed a personal project to showcase my work as a developer. From designing the interface to complete development, I aimed to highlight my experience and skills.

Icone ReactIcone Styled ComponentsIcone TypescriptIcone Redux